Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Interview with a Mobster's niece

At the beginning of April I was able to interview Leigh who had a family member in the Mafia.

Interview questions~

1) What family member of yours was in the Mafia?

My Uncle was in the Mafia

2) What Crime family was he a part of?

The Colombo Crime Family

3) Was he ever arrested?

Yes, he was

4) Is there any good that comes out of the Mafia lifestyle?

No, in the end it just tears families apart

5) How did your life change with having a family member in the Mafia?

When he went to jail he missed out on a lot of stuff, but other than that it really did not change a ton

6) Did you know everything they were doing?

It wasn't until I was older that I understood what he was doing

7) If you could go back in time would you have still wanted your uncle to be in the Mafia?

No, because he missed out on so much but in the end it was his choice to have that lifestyle

Follow up questions~

1) How long was he in jail for?

He was in jail from 1993-2005 so that would be 12 years

2) When he went to jail was it hard not having him there while you were growing up?

Yes, since I was only 5 years old when he went to jail, I didn't quite understand why he wasn't there on holidays and such

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