Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Crimes and Arrests

Bonanno (130- 145 members)- Joseph Massino, boss in 1991, was convicted of 7 murders dating back from the 1980s. Vincent " Vinny Gorgeous" Basciano, acting boss was convicted on several murder charges

Joseph Massino (former Bonanno boss)

Colombo (75- 85 members)- Carmine Persico, boss from 1973 to present, arrested in 1985 on 2 racketeering charges. Alphonse Persico, acting from early 1999- late 1999, arrested on weapons and loansharking charges. Gregory "The Grim Reaper" Scarpa, chief enforcer for Carmine Persico, arrested in 1993 and convicted on several racketeering involving murders, passed away while in jail. John "Jackie" DeRoss, Joel "Joe Waverly" Cacace, and underboss/ consigliere Andrew Russo have been convicted and jailed.

Gregory "The Grim Reaper" Scarpa (former capo for the Colombo's)

Gambino (150- 200 members)- Paul Castellano, boss, serving several years for racketeering. John "Dapper/ Telfon Don" Gotti, boss from 1985- 2002, arrested in 1992, for several racketeering charges and 5 murders. John A. Gotti, boss from 1992- 1999, charge with 4 racketeering charges but they were dropped. Peter "One Eye" Gotti, acting boss from 1999- 2002, arrested in 2002 for murder. Arnold "Zeke" Squitierl, acting boss from 2002- 2005, arrested in 2006 on extortion charges.

John "Dapper/ Teflon Don" Gotti (former Gambino boss)

Genovese (200- 225 members)- Vincent "Chin" Gigante, boss in 1982, arrested in 1997. Mario Gigante, acting boss, served 3 years for labor racketeering.

"The Oddfather" Vincent "The Chin" Gigante

Lucchese (120- 130 members)- Gaetano "Tommy" Lucchese, boss from 1951- 1967, charged with auto theft in 1921 and served 3 years and 9 months. Vittorio "Vic" Amuso, was boss from 1987- 2012, charged with Murder, conspiracy to commit murder, extortion, . Louis "Louie Bagels" Doudone is serving life for murder. Steven Crea, served 3 years for labor racketeering charges. Joseph DiNapoli, arrested in 1999, served 29 months for fraud and loansharking. Matthew Madonna was a major herroin trafficker who supplied notorious Harlem drug kingpin Leroy "Nicky" Barnes in the 60s & 70s. Madonna was "made" following his release from federal prison in 1995, after serving 20 years for drug dealing.

Gaetano "Tommy" Lucchese (former Lucchese boss)


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