Wednesday, April 24, 2013


How to become a "made" man (man of honor, or wiseguy)- before being a made man you are required to carry out a contract killing. Committing one's first contracted killing is referred to as "making your bones". Only made men can rise through the ranks of Cosa Nostra (from lowest to highest) soldier, capo (regime), consigliere, underboss, acting boss, and boss. When introducing one made man to another, the phrase "a friend of ours" is used, indicating that he is a member and business can be discussed openly with him. If the person being introduced is an associate or civilian to whom business should not be mentioned, the phrase "a friend of mine" is used instead. To become made, an associate has to be sponsored by a made man, who vouches for his reliability and abilities. But ultimately the boss of the family gets to decide if the associate becomes a made man. When the crime family "opens the books" (accepts new members) a ceremony will take place, an inductee (associate) is required to take the oath of Omerta, the mafia code of silence. After the ceremony the inductee is a made man and a full member of the Mafia hierachy, and is given certain responsiblies and privileges. The made man now enjoys the full protection and backing of the Mafia establishment as long as he remains in favor and earns enough money, of which a percentage is passed up the hierachy. A full member is traditionally seen as "untouchable" by fellow criminals, a man to be respected and feared. To attack, let alone kill, a made man for any reason without the permission of mafiosi higher up in the organization is a cardinal sin normally met with serve retailiation (usually death), often regardless of whether the perpetrator had a legitimate grievance. A made man can however be killed if a good enough reason is provided and the Mafia bosses give permission.

More to come..


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